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Conference Partners

The Australian Rice Growers’ Conference is hosted by Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia, SunRice Group and AgriFutures Rice Program.


Ricegrowers' Association

The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc. (RGA) represents voluntary members. The RGA supports and advocates for ricegrowers on issues affecting the viability of their business and communities.

The RGA was formed in 1930 during the early years of the rice industry, turning a small group of pioneering rice growers into an effective and cohesive force. Today, the RGA provides a strong, united voice for all growers and the broader Australian rice industry.

The RGA represents the interests of rice growers, and provides services to members, to ensure they can provide a legacy for their children, create employment in their districts and grow quality rice. With rice still the mainstay of many Riverina towns, it is important that RGA members have a strong and effective representation in the three key policy areas of Water, Environmental Sustainability and Productivity and Industry Affairs.


SunRice Group

The SunRice Group is an ASX-listed, global food business and one of Australia’s leading branded food exporters.

With roots in Australia’s food bowl, the company was formed in 1950 when a group of rice growers pooled their resources in the Riverina region of New South Wales to build a single rice mill. Today, the SunRice Group has grown into one of the largest rice food companies in the world, comprising multiple businesses, assets and operations across Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, the United States, the Pacific Islands and Asia.


For over 70 years, they have been transforming nature’s goodness into healthy, enjoyable and nutritious foods that meet the needs of discerning consumers around the world. In addition to their much-loved rice foods, we offer a diverse portfolio of gourmet, ‘free from’ food products and animal feeds and nutrition.

SunRice Group's 35 major brands are sold in 50 global markets and they hold leading brand positions in 14 countries.


AgriFutures Rice Program

The AgriFutures Rice Program invests in research, development and extension (RD&E) to maintain the industry’s competitiveness and improve the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the Australian rice industry.

With the support of the Australian rice industry, the Program drives RD&E focused on the production of new rice varieties compatible with a water productivity target of 1.5t/ML by 2026. This is coupled with targeted agronomy and farming system focused activities, extension activities focused on increasing adoption and uptake of technology, and innovation in partnership with industry.

All investment in the AgriFutures Rice Program is guided by the Rice Program Strategic RD&E Plan (2021-2026) which has been developed in consultation with industry to outline the priorities and objectives for RD&E.

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